This is my selection of favorite tools .
Starting with my workbench and all the accessories I have made for it
You can see the foot operated leg vice which has been replaced by a different type since this picture was taken and the unique arrangement of twin screw end and tail vise which I designed and built as the original bench evolved into what it is today .this bench is an ongoing project and I am rather proud of what I have including the seat that attaches to the bench .
This is my quick release leg vise that I designed from the ground up and I can not think of a more simple or better design for a leg vise as I have basically eliminated the pin bar or any other device to take it’s place and the auto quick release mechanism that I also designed for this makes the vise very easy to operate and adaptable to the various clamping situations .

The story of my bench goes on with other tools like the wooden /metal hold fasts the overhead tool tray and chisel rack and then my mallets which again are unique with the open handle design and a couple of hand planes .

All this has become my favorite place in the shop and the tools that I have made are by far my most favorite as they have a special meaning to me that can not be bought .
I wish I could post more pictures but I guess there is a limit to a blod post .


Beautiful and functional as usual Klaus.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

She’s a real beauty, Klaus, and all her accessories as well. No wonder you like to spend so much time with her!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

If I had your tools they would be my favorite too!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA