Clock build (grandchildren) #1: Clock (Grandchildren )


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: Clock build (grandchildren)

  1. Clock (Grandchildren )
  2. Clocks are getting done

Im make grandchildren clocks for five different orders. So, I’ve been juggling the clocks and building my workbench and repairing my thickness planner and finishing my wine displays. Well here is one clock for now. More to come. This is out of red oak trimed with hickory. The numbers and names were laser burned in to a depth of 1/16" deep. I put two coats of tung oil on. After sitting 2 days or so I took dark early american stain and stained all the numbers and names. Put four coats of stain in them. The tung oil seals the red oak grain so the stain doesn’t bleed into the grain when applying. After all said and done one more coat of tung oil let it set two days and then applied two coats of laquare. And then lightly rubed out with 400 grit. Then assembled the clock hardware.


Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great work Jeff.

I like it. The numbers also match the clock “needles”.

What kind of laser do you use?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The laser is subbed out to a trophy business. We have a business relationship. He calls me for wood plaques and give’s me a big discount on the use of the laser. I can’t remember the name of it but its very much like the Epilog fusion. You know I love the way the laser just cuts that wood. However, I’m constanly pressuring the wife for a CNC ever since I’ve seen what they can do moreover, I just saw what can be done on Corin & Acrylic. It was posted in the creations. The thing with the clocks you can put anything on them.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Nice clock. Those CNC mini routers are getting cheap. I think rockler sells one for about $400.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks Jeff.

I built a CNC few years ago. I did not get to use it as I fried the stepper circuit board on first power up.Entirely my fault; I soldered some component wrong(:

when you get ready to buy yours, consider the bed length you need. many of them have a tiny bed.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I think if I was to buy one I want a bed 4′ × 6′ that way I can do large signs. I seriously doubt if I would need a bed any bigger. Now I might be thinking big and might not need to go that big but doing custom signs could bring in some nice money. If you or anyone else has tjings to watch for or suggestions on what to actually get please start up a blog on CNCs. I think it would be helpful to everyone.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great idea for a clock Jeff.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Nice clock , great job.
Good idea on the CNC blog, I have been looking at,
Would be good to hear from the ones he have about the pros & cons


Sorry, I didn’t prof read, LOL
I have been looking at different ones.
Would be good to hear from the ones who have & use them
