Work Bench Build #10: Leg stretcher Mortising and Leg Vise Prep


This is part 10 in a 16 part series: Work Bench Build

I received the crisscross from Lee Valley late yesterday, and started mocking it up to see what needs to be done. I glued up the last piece of the leg Vise chop, and man is it massive. I also have started Mortising the legs for the stretchers. ,




The joints are similar to the others on the bench in that I use offset lengths of boards to help eliminate chisel or saw work after glue up. Also by using the full size of ends of the boards for tenions I remove the need to trim them to fit into the mortise. This makes the stretchers and legs even more massive. The mortises are made on the drill press then squared up with a few chisel blows. ,

I hope to have all the mortise and leg Vise work done today. I have also marked the location of the face Vise and the carpenters quick release Vise for routering today. ,





If I can complete these tasks today I will add the photos, and, that will mean I can glue it all up tomorrow. I am getting very close now, 6 strong young men are on standby for the glue up of the legs, stretchers, and, top tomorrow afternoon before the NFL games come on. As always thanks for following along, and, if you have any question or suggestions just fire away.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I can think you are getting pretty excited about this with the finishing line in sight. I hope you never have to move that bench out of the house!

Mike, an American living in Norway

I have finished all the mortise and tenon leg/stretcher joints and the dry fit is awesome. Here’s some updated pics.

I still need to drill for the draw bores yet but the fit is awesome

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

This beast is headed for the 500lb mark…

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

500lb to say the least.

Great fit on the stretchers. I agree, moving this guy is going to be a projrct on its own.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA