Urban Ore #24: iGaging 12-inch Machinist Square


This is part 24 in a 24 part series: Urban Ore

  1. Welcome
  1. Vintage 7” Goodell Ice Pick or Leather Punch
  2. iGaging 12-inch Machinist Square

Found this for $20 yesterday, but did not pick it up until today. I took a gamble on nobody noticing what was in the box and it paid off. Sometimes there is just too much good stuff and you have to leave some and come back another day. This was one of those items.

iGaging makes these in sizes from 2”, 4”, 6”, 8”, on up to 12” as the biggest size (which will run you $46.95 plus tax on eBay (free shipping), or probably more new.

This is the only iGaging square I own. The only other three squares I own are a miter square from Bridge City Tools, a 12” combination square from Starrett (with all attachments), the Stanley No 20 rosewood and brass 8” try square, and the tiny Taytools 4” x 3” machinist square. So one more dependable and dedicated square for the shop (especially one that I did not have — trying to use a 12” Starrett combination square as a 12” machinist square only sort of works).

The box was damaged but luckily most of the box is air. The damage did go through to the inside of the box but avoided the square!

It will come in handy I am sure in various tasks. Checking boards, checking bandsaw table squareness, etc.

Check it with one of your trusty squares!

Not tool room quality, but certainly perfect for day to day use.
Thanks! I will definitely do that. So far, the most trusted squares in my shop are in-fact Starrett
Nice! I have a 4" Starrett double square and a 6" Starrett combination square, this one with the center finder. Those and a Stanley 16" combination square. I should make better boxes or use Kaizen foam for the drawer that they live in.. If there was one of those stores around here, I'd be all over it. I'll have to look around. For big measurements of square I have a Great Neck framing square that I tuned.

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer