PAST Tool Collectors #7: Single-lipped countersink brace bit


This is part 7 in a 8 part series: PAST Tool Collectors

  1. Ahoy
  1. Stair saw
  2. Single-lipped countersink brace bit
  3. Books

Another item from the Half Moon Bay meetup of PAST Tool Collectors.

This was free. As I was paying for the countersink bits, I spied it on the table and picked it up, saying “oh, wow, a countersink for wood! The ones today with the multiple flutes are largely for metal and are utterly horrible in wood. I would love to have this, how much?”

He threw it in for free. No charge. He only charged me for the other items I was buying at the time (previously seen in the series as the countersink drill bits).

It’s not a Millers Falls but I took a photo of it next to the Millers Falls entry on the similarly shaped item, called a single-lipped countersink.