PAST Tool Collectors #5: Hollow auger


This is part 5 in a 8 part series: PAST Tool Collectors

If I understand correctly, this cuts tenons.

I still need to get a dowel taper cone cutter which must be used before this tool. You first use a cone cutter like a giant pencil sharpener, cutting down until the width of the tenon is achieved. Then you take this tool and cut down the tenon to desired height.

It’s quite something to behold, and this is an amazing specimen. Especially for its age. Finding a cone cutter to go along with this should be easy.

It was marked $45 and I handed the man $45 but then he handed me back $5, so I got this for $40 (tax included).

No way I could get this for the same amount on eBay. The money I saved on this tool (which I needed) paid for my yearly $15 membership fee to the PAST Tool club.

Not bad.
It’s made by WOOD M’F’G Co, or “Wood Manufacturing Company” which sounds really strange and overly generic until you learn that Wood was the guy’s last name. He just coincidentally (or not) made woodworking tools.

The later patent date is 1878. So pretty old.