Sash Windows - journey into the unknown #11: Why didn't I think of that before #738 & #739


This is part 11 in a 11 part series: Sash Windows - journey into the unknown

  1. Preface
  1. Glazing Part 1
  2. Why didn't I think of that before #738 & #739

This weekends first 'why didn't I think of that before moment' came when I was setting up the router to do the beadings and glazing bars.
That was simply to change my 2' quick clamp to a spreader to act as a router lift.

Having made a whole bunch of mouldings I had the 2nd WDITOTB moment of the weekend, in as much as it seemed it would possibly be a good idea to knock up a rudimentary drying rack of sorts.

I don't know how I ever got by without one before.