Sash Windows - journey into the unknown

11 entries

1 Preface

It's been a while since I was on here, to my old friends and everyone else, I hope you are keeping well and navigating life's challenges the best y...

2 The die is cast

I won't pretend for a moment the decision to make the windows isn't driven by cost. At a very minimum it would cost 15 grand (sterling) to buy the...

3 Research, research, research - and other considerations

Of course, I'm not just going to make these windows straight off the bat. I have spent many hours looking into this project, looking at what toolin...

4 Let the woodworking begin

So I know we're on part 4 and I haven't touched a piece of wood yet, but you can't rush these things. Everything needs to be taken into account if ...

5 No bells, no whistles. Horizontal router table.

Whenever I have used loose tenons in the past I have always been amazed by how accurately and how quickly you can make a strong, reliable joint. ...

6 Glazing bars

Glad to say all the jointing is done. Now it's time to move on to the glazing bars. This is not traditional joinery with divided lights. This is my...

7 Falling behind but that's ok

I'd hoped to have had more of the sashes glued together by now than I have, family commitments have kept me out of the living room workshop for the...

8 The finish line is in sight....

It's been ages since I got a chance to add to this blog, I've been doing bits and bobs to the windows at every opportunity, the most difficult part...

9 I knew I should have used oil based paint

Not that it really matters, the hopelessly optimistic completion date of mid October for the windows has been and gone, and there's still a way to ...

10 Glazing Part 1

Back onto the windows at last, got nothing done in December, I am now looking at Easter as a deadline to have them ready to be fitted. From the ou...