Teaching the steps of building a ship

تا اینجا اسکلت بدنه کشتی را بریده و کنار هم گذاشته ام. من هر روز بخشی از ساخت و ساز را به شما نشان خواهم داد. امیدوارم از آن خوشت بیاید. با تشکر از سایت دوستان.

For the next chapter, click on your picture and then on New blog entry.

on the next screen, click on choose from the existing ones.

then click on the appropriate series... in my example below, my series "Hints and Tips..." would show your "Teaching the steps....", click on that,

and repeat the process for each chapter.

Good luck.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nothing has been written for me in this part, it's empty, however, I will continue the training anyway
The first time you create a "new series" you have to click on,

there after (with other chapters) you click on "choose" to get a list... your created series should be shown in the drop down list.
You might have to redo Chapter 1... unfortunately I don't think you can delete the original.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD