Fixing up Queen Anne

Well what do you know I just realised I could have done a Queen Anne Blog in a series of parts!
Never mind this will be the last you subjects will be subjected to.
I also have the goss on her legs too so hang about in the court for a secession.

In summing up my activities dumpster diving and finding lots of pagpag I have finally completed the little table.
I missed the details of how I produced the profiles, well more correctly how they were attached to the pattern.

the sides were screwed from underneath through the tenons so no (additional) holes were visible later and i used a double bearing straight cutter.
The round over was done with an 8mm bearing mounted bit, the same as I used for the Fake QA legs.

dry fitted it all together

Made four corner mounts for the table top to fix to and then glued everything up

and finally sanded and sealed

Now for the info everybody has been waiting for.

Queen Anne's legs.
From what I can find out Queen Anne did not have any deformity likened to dachshund legs.

She however was not a very well person and had countless difficulties with childbirth and as a result never produced a heir to the throne
She did also suffer from Gout, and I guess this was attributed to eating "junk" food in the day.
She was overweight and had to be carried to the real throne.
She spent some of her recreational hours amusing herself with Duck racing and one can only assume no high speed collisions occurred.
Maybe she knew Errol Flynn!
Conclusion:- The style of Queen Anne furniture was simply a tribute to her at the time and nothing whatsoever to do with the shape or any abnormal deformity of her legs.
In closing
I possibly will never make a top for the little table.
Thanks for looking and the effort taken to add constructive comments 

Regards Rob

In closing
I possibly will never make a top for the little table. 

Love that... everything will fall to the floor. So when SWMBO asks you to clear the table, you don't need a run up, to jump it. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Well if no top, it would make a dandy base for your possum house.

I think with that low profile, you need to make a similarly nice chest to sit on top.

Thanks for the inside scoop on QA, perhaps the photo I posted was her hubby? 
Reading the topic, looks like hubby was a failure... QA had no kids.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I am not sure it was from lack of trying as all their efforts ended very tragically.
Anne's final pregnancy ended on 25 January 1700 with a stillbirth. She had been pregnant at least 17 times over as many years, and had miscarried or given birth to stillborn children at least 12 times. Of her five live born children, four died before the age of two, the cause being reported as chicken pox. 
There were also other reports her hubby had suffered an injury  and he had damaged sperm contributing to the infant mortality results, I am not sure how this could be determined in the 1700's !

Regards Rob

..... I am not sure how this could be determined in the 1700's !

Probably a very old release of Dr. Google.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Or just bad advice from Dr. Ruth.
Back in Woody Allens Day

Regards Rob

Digging deep into your ballsack there RC... Could only find the "black sheep" leader of "the Bank",

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

it was a bloody funny movie!

Regards Rob