Veneer Compass Rose #1: Making a compass rose out of veneer


This is part 1 in a 7 part series: Veneer Compass Rose

Ages ago on Lumberjocks I did a popular blog series on making a compass rose.  I ended up making a paduak and maple serving tray and inlaying one of them just to continue the tutorial.  A while back I was contacted by a former LJ friend to let me know that LJ broke all the old blogs and therefore the pictures are gone, or don't line up, and the blog feature is essentially broken LJ "upgraded" the software on their site.

I haven't done one in ages, and it seemed like a good reason to hit the shop.

I still have the old tray, 15ish years in service, and it looks great!

A very nice tray, great wood combinations.

Main Street to the Mountains

Missed this till the project, but that's on me not you....

Thanks for taking the time and making the effort.... +++ for the series.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD