Wooden Model Making #1: Power Wagon


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: Wooden Model Making

  1. Power Wagon
  2. 1911 Delivery Truck

When I first saw the Power Wagon I just knew that some time or other I would be giving it a try.

 Do you notice any thing different from the first picture. 
It's a six wheel drive and has 5 drive shafts

The wheel set up you see here is from another build
 just wanted to show what I'm up to.

 The rear axils pivot up and down. 

Making the wheels.
These are some of my first try at making nice wheels.
If and when I make a blog of my later model wheels you will see the way I make them change for the better.

 1 1/2" store bought wooden tires make a perfect rim.
The tires are 2  7/8".

The 6 wheel drive power wagon uses 5 separate drive shafts.

Here I'm Ebonizing [or staining] the wheels with vinegar and steel wool.
Walnut really goes black as you can see on the wheels.
In other pictures I ebonized the oak wheel wells, 
they didn't get as black but shows the oak grain that worked out just right.


I hope you liked the Power Wagon.
This is my first try on this site, so hope it all works out.



Very nice write up. Very detailed.
I love the truck. 
Great job. 
Makes me want to build one.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Always excellent to see your craftsmanship Bruce. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Hi! Crowie 
Nice to hear from you and all ways glad to see what projects you have in the works. 
I will be showing off my old projects as I'm not able to make any more but here on Craftisian they've not been seen by many and now on LJ's their lost to most viewers. Sad but true. 
  Bentlyj  Thanks for checking it out and have many more that I will be showing over time.


Dear Bruce please post it as a project. So nice and well done. And yes the wheels are real #4 ones.


I made the stain and stained the wheels and wheel wells but can't remember what the process is called?
It was done with steel wool and vinegar.


Hi! Crowie 
Nice to hear from you and all ways glad to see what projects you have in the works. 
I will be showing off my old projects as I'm not able to make any more but here on Craftisian they've not been seen by many and now on LJ's their l

G’day Bruce, Very sorry to hear “you’re not able to make anymore” 
BUT very please to hear you’re going to post all your old projects and blogs. 
Cheers Peter 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

People look at something like this and think "Oh isn't that nice" with no idea about how much work is involved.

Beautiful truck!
Up Date!
 I made the stain and stained the wheels and wheel wells but can't remember what the process is called?
It was done with steel wool and vinegar.
I looked it up and the vinegar and steel wool staining is called Ebonizing.


in real life Dodge got this truck right i love the extra set wheels GR8 JOB 😍😎👍