1932 Hot Rod Coupe #1: Chop nd Channel the body #1: This is Part 1 in a 12 part series: Chop and Channeling the body


This is part 1 in a 1 part series: 1932 Hot Rod Coupe #1: Chop nd Channel the body

  1. This is Part 1 in a 12 part series: Chop and Channeling the body

 I keep giving away my hot rods so lets try it one more time.
I hid the big motor on the last one so thought I would leave the hood off this time to let it be seen, will also be putting the fenders on it, adds a ton a work but really makes for one sweet looking ride.

Lowered the roof about a half inch and lowered the body to where the frame is covered, there's a name for it but ain't coming to me right now.

+++ Up Date+++
cutting body = chop,
lowering over chassis = channeling
...chop n channel.

These are Toys and Joys plans and one from way back when they weren't putting frames on their models which make for a great first time build, you don't have to worry about the frame not lining up or other problem that can get a new builder in trouble.
That being said I had to cut out for the motor.

Already have a motor for it, so we'll see how that works.

Had to get the inners made and finished so I could close it all up.



I'm trying to figure out how this all works but sure would be nice if I could find the how to files for this site.
I guess being a new bee here I need to change my name back to HTL, LOL


We really know who you are! Look at te comments from yesterday in the https://craftisian.com/topics/820-original-lj-members-welcome forum.  
And we can understand you have to find your way. We all  have to. 

Im glad, and I won't be the only one, with your blog about building your hot rod. You also can post him as a project with a link to this blog.

Keep on coming with more. 


The old handle was great Bruce, as we’re all here to learn 
Your blogs and know how are excellent sir, thank you 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

with #4 and Dutchy that is all i need for GR8 Blogs so happy your here #4 looking forward to watching your blogs 