Spinnekop #22: De schroef


This is part 22 in a 37 part series: Spinnekop

Last part was a very simple part. Now lets make the most difficult and challenging part of this mill: the "schroef" or "vijzel". A Archimedes screw.

Lets start with a simple "beam"

Now turn it on the lathe

And then i realize that i made the round parts to small…....
Time to make a new one.

A quick test fit to see if the barring surface is in the right spot

Adding little metal strips called "schenen" to make the bearing surface more durable

Adding metal bands to keep everything in place

Now lets layout the screw

The screw has 3 "gangen" (compartments). So I divide the circumference in three and add a string to give me the place of the line i need.

Scribing the rebate with a compass

Now i can begin making a rebate

Adding the bottom bearing

Adding a nail as start of each compartment called "slag ijzer" (beating iron)
This iron is placed so any driftwood floating into the screw will not damage it.

Some calculations to get the dimensions of the segments that make up the compartments

These are very small pieces with a tenon on a angle

And now the fun part: adding all the segments…
First a bit of a dry run.

Now let use some glue

Keeping things nice and square

Start the sanding

Making the outside round

Test fitting it to the "schroefbak"

Needs a bit more

Fitting the bearings

Adding the "schroefrad"

All finished


That screw is an impressive build by itself!