Small Benchtop Table/Drum Sander.

I’m look for some assistance please on how to make a Small Benchtop Table/Drum Sander for my toymaking efforts, thank you. 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings


Peter, it seems like I saw something similar scrolling through the old project posting here. Try a search on drum sanders.
You are saying small, maybe find a large wood cylinder and a small motor and put something together.

Main Street to the Mountains

I Googled benchtop drum sander to get an idea of what an industry standard machine looks like and found this term covers several variations or configurations of sanding machines.
Are you looking to make one that is used in a similar manner as a thickness planer?, or one with an exposed belt and a small shelf or table to permit sanding at 90 degrees to the face of a component?
This has me interested in finding a solution, 

Edit: I just used YouTube to search for "How to make a drum sander", the results were plentiful. Give this a try, good luck.
Lot of results on a search, even saw one covered by "Wood" magazine using a drill as a power source. Many options.

Main Street to the Mountains

crowie... if you buy yourself a lathe... I might be able to help.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Have you looked at the Flat Master drum sander 18" $475.00 some assembly required I think   There are reviews on Lumber jocks from people who have them. Search the review section for Flat Sander. Just an economical option.


-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

what about drill press drum sander ? 🙄  👍


commented about 5 hours ago
what about drill press drum sander ? 🙄  👍

Thank you folks, now I have a starter point 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings


If your intent was a thickness sander, check this out, fully adjustable;

 commented 4 minutes ago 

If your intent was a thickness sander, check this out, fully adjustable................

Thanks for that link Ot.  I have a good drum sander, however, that was an interesting video... gave me a few ideas for other jigs and introduced me to some novel hardware...

crowie just an FYI if you don't already know, amongs others, this mob here in Aussieland (that tracksaw runner hardware caught my eye) has a good selection of those bits of hardware you see on Yankeeland resident's shop built home videos.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

crowie... if you buy yourself a lathe... I might be able to help.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD
Alex, is that an offer to deliver and install a lathe for me; because I have nowhere to fit one!!

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings


If your intent was a thickness sander, check this out, fully adjustable;

Thank you “old tools” using a variable speed drill makes the build heaps easier and smaller plus adjustable to boot 👍

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

 commented about 1 hour ago 
crowie... if you buy yourself a lathe... I might be able to help.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD
Alex, is that an offer to deliver and install a lathe for me; because I have nowhere to fit one!!

Just drop your 'shop at my place in Churchill... I'll fit the lathe, tune it, paint the walls and sweep the floor before bringing all back to you.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Mr. Duck,
As you said: Thanks for that link Ot.  I have a good drum sander, however, that was an interesting video... gave me a few ideas for other jigs and introduced me to some novel hardware....
I say you're welcome, glad to help anytime I can. That's the great thing about this web site, the exchange of knowledge and assistance between individuals with a common interest.

Happy woodworking and Happy Holidays.