Woodworking on a Half-Shoestring #3: Making Progress: Breathe..


A couple of weeks ago I said good-bye to my Hitachi C10FL hybrid contractor saw. It had served me well, but a move in the near future makes it opportune to sell it now, replacing it with a lighter, portable jobsite saw. I’ve had the DeWalt DWE7491RS for a couple of weeks . Just a little more tweaking before I will fire it up for the first time. Touch and feel has me impressed, and I’m enjoying the portability, being able to move it out of the way and park it wherever the latest free bit of space comes to be.

The large outfeed/workbench has been broken down. I salvaged what I added and discarded the commercial crap that was its base unit. The Harbor Freight bench has taken its place, giving me full access to the two vices and a minimum of three of the four sides. It’s narrow width allows for more room around it than the previous table. I had been contemplating this relocation for years. It will make traditional woodworking much easier.

Every workbench that can be moved has been relocated within the dungeon. While not perfect yet, the difference has been uplifting. I feel as if I am taking deep breaths for the first time since the Hitachi came in. So much free space.

Some small tabletop equipment hasn’t found a home yet. I can see some ‘musical benches’ yet needs to be played before I’m happy with the relocations. I will be thinning out tools and equipment that hasn’t been needed or useful, which will make it more efficient, easier to find what I need.

Knowing a move is imminent parks a fire under one’s butt. Things to be made before we can leave this home. Purpose. Focus. And just getting rid of sh*t. Downsizing has shown to have perks, even for a pack rat like me.