Woodworking on a Half-Shoestring

7 entries

1 Asher's 13th Birthday Gift

Yesterday the wife and I drove over to my oldest daughter’s home to deliver some gifts to the grandson and celebrate his 13th birthday. In anticipa...

2 The Future in the Fast Lane

It’s been a while since I started this account and blog. I’ve been busy dealing with a life running on its own mindset—no batteries needed, and def...

3 Making Progress: Breathe..

A couple of weeks ago I said good-bye to my Hitachi C10FL hybrid contractor saw. It had served me well, but a move in the near future makes it oppo...

4 Seeds for Insanity: Sorting Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Washers...

Much time has past since my last post here, too much time and change, both in my life and in my workshop, to go back and bring everyone up to date....

5 Powertec USA - USPS Resolved

I received adequate correspondence and expedient crediting to find no need to keep the original post on record. I’m still annoyed that neither Powe...

6 Creamer and Sugar Bowl Carrier - Build Progress

With the workshop mostly reorganized, I’ve started to get at projects already started and on my To-Do list. A simple project I had been putting off...

7 Refurbing a Harbor Freight Folding Trailer - Pre-Blog Inquiry

This week or next I will begin the process of refurbishing a Harbor Freight folding trailer I purchase several years back. Original Build Build Sta...