SWMBO dug her pumps into my shorts.... and managed to motivate me into cleaning up some of the deadwood I had lying around.  There was a lot of blackberry that had been poisoned and waiting for death for over 12 months that had to be cleared.... it was intertwined with other 20mm foliage that was also deceased and was a tad hard to separate, so to get it into my green re-cycle bin, I had to do a lot of trimming/snipping.
All the non-blackberry (20mm+) had dried out and wooded over big time and I found the Ryobi secateurs seemed to be timber friendly and raised an objection to easy beheading.... so I opted for the DeWalt.
Now in all fairness the clunky DeWalt went through the petrified branches without complaint, however after about 30 minutes of manipulating it, my arm weighed a ton and I reached for the Ryobi to finish the job, which dragged out for about another 30 minutes... it was a big mess to start with... the difference in operation was a momentous relief.
What is he/it trying to say?  I found the DeWalt clunky, heavy, tiresome and quickly changed my evaluation from 4* down to 3*.   
I will still stand by my evaluation that if that 14% extra capacity is paramount to you, go the DeWalt, however, if you have a more delicate wrist and gentler touch, without that obsession for size... go for the Ryobi.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD