but those stripes are driving me crazy 
I think that is just a short trip so no surprise.  😉

Thanks, LBD, I have the last free desktop version of SU and downloaded the model from 3DW in Collada format which is why it is so ugly.  It was Trimble's conversion to Collada format that made it that way.  I may eventually give that extension a try, though for now, the ugly model met my needs.  The fact that it was that easy to convert a newer version to an older software release is one of the things that pisses me off about Trimble.  They could have provided that path forward but instead artificially make newer files incompatible to force people to pay extra for upgrades that do not offer significant improvements, IMO.  Based upon my use of the current free web based version, they still haven't fix the issues of small scale designs related to 3D printing so I am slowly switching to OnShape because it is so much more powerful for that.  Simple sketches like this one are quicker in SU, especially since I am still sort of learning OnShape but when I get the the DC in hand, I may make a stab at it in OnShape, if for no other reason that to practice OnShape.   

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.