Hi all, I hopened everyone is well and enjoying the festivities! ? I realise that I haven’t posted anything in quite some time so I thought I had b...
A friend recently gave me a bag with a bundle of goodies inside that needed cleaning up. Among them was this Rapier plane that as you can see is lo...
It was only after watching a youtube video about making a chair by hand that I actually worked out what these are. I had put to them to one side in...
I found this in the shed and claimed it before finding out what it was. It’s a remnant of my granddad’s kit and hasn’t really been looked after. As...
I have been quite busy lately and found it difficult to get out and make anything for a while but I have a collection of old hand tools that need r...
I have a carpenter friend who has been helping me out with tools, advice and generally teaching me everything I need to know so I decided to make a...
With fathers day fast approaching I decided to have a whirl at making a fridge magnet for my dad. I’ve now got plenty of scrap wood that was given ...
After being given a couple of bags full of scrap wood I decided I would do something with it. I need to keep practicing all of my woodwork skills t...
I need a bigger biscuit box! I’ve been keeping my carving chisels in an old biscuit box I found in the shed. It isn’t very deep so when a friend ga...
My dad absolutely loves ducks and really wants one in the back garden. I’m point-blank refusing to let him have one as they are messy and I need th...
Finally got round to trying out the new tools and found them a dream to work with. I got inspired to have a go at some relief carving and practicin...
My two new hens are fantastic and provide lots of eggs unfortunately the other three rejected them and kept trying to attack them. This was wasn’t ...