8 entries

1 Materials Preparation

I have made a few of these baskets through the years and they have been very popular with friends and family members. In fact some who got one bask...

2 Preparation of Materials (continued)

Yesterday the basket side blanks were prepared. Today was used to prepare the materials for the bottoms, the top rims and the bottom wrap around fe...

3 Chase to the cut

Back to work on the project today after our thursday shopping excursion and getting a check up at the doctor (us old folks do a lot of that). After...

4 Progress

Today I finished the scrolling and got the sides ready for the bottom panels. There are a some important points that are outlined below. GETTING&nb...

5 Mitering the basket sides

I had big plans for lots of progress today, but I wound up doing a lot of chauffeur work instead so I didn’t get into the shop until late afternoon...

6 The Devil's Bow-ties

Today I have been working on the basket bottoms. They are made from 2 pieces with a glue joint down the middle. The wood is pretty thin, about 5 mm...

7 Sanding and Gluing

This project is almost finished. If I’m lucky the three main components of the baskets will be glued together tomorrow. Here’s what was done in pre...

8 Completing the project

At the end of the last blog the sides and bottom had been glued up and the foot frames and top rim frames had been each glued together in preparati...