Murphy Bed Wall Unit

4 entries

1 The Scope of the Build

I got a commission to build a desk/closet/Murphy bed. Here is the SK drawing of the build. The right hand side will house the Murphy Bed. The unit ...

2 Bed Hardware

Surprised at the interest, now the pressure is really on (especially with Huff watching) ;) For me the first order of business is to get the bed ha...

3 Small Delay

Got a rush job to build Approx. 45’ of painted display cases for a convention in New York. I only have 2 weeks to get it done. The units will all b...

4 "Side Job Delay" Murphy Bed Soon!

Just an update on my side job! My partner and I finally got the job rolling on Sat. the 19th after narrowing down the details with the designers fr...