Slideshow Program

Can anybody recommend a good site for creating slideshows?
Needs to be super easy and plain jane because I'm pretty computer illiterate.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

15 Replies

Just tried it in Google photos.
Select your pix.
Click/touch + (add to)
Select “Movie”
You can then adjust the time each pic is held and add music if you like.
Select “create”.

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

Thanks Paul, 
I got that to work for the slideshow lineup,  but couldn't turn it into a movie,  said I needed some computer stuff I don't know about.  I'll mess with it another time.  
I used to just use Picassa,  but it's not supported anymore.  I still use it for pictures though.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

I use PowerPoint for my classes over the years.  
Thanks, I'll check it out.

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Are you wanting to record a voice over with the slides? That's pretty easy with PowerPoint.
If I remember correctly Power Point is part of the Office 365, and yes that is good for slides.

Main Street to the Mountains

Are you wanting to record a voice over with the slides? That's pretty easy with PowerPoint.

No,  I just want to put some pictures together and let them play.  Nothing fancy.  Wasn't looking for something to buy, Nothing I will be using very much.  

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

PowerPoint would do that for you.  I have it through my university so not sure how accessible it is for free?
Open Office Impress is the freebie equivalent to Office 365 Powerpoint.
Probably stretching into hardis to use stuff for a simple slideshow.

For most simple things pic related I've used IrfanView for more years than I care to count - it has a slidehsow function.

Kind of depends on how you are looking to use the slideshow as to what you use I guess.
Thanks Mike,  I will check them out.  Simple slideshows is all I want.  Select pictures,

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

I have made many powerpoint slide shows for customers.....A couple rules of thumb that you may want to try.  I really liked your slide show, but it went kind of fast.  A slide should be on screen 5 to 8 seconds.  Fades, in and out are very popular...that is where one image morphs into another.  But other effects are certainly cool too.
We often faded an image on to the screen, faded some text on top of it......That is a great way to top off your show with your name/logo.

I loved the music you used.  Like what you used, singing is kind of a distraction....just straight music is best.  I liked the upbeat music you used.  We used an online music stock house, called Triple Scoop.  They have a lot of good and licensed music.
Your photos were also good quality.....not to mention that cabinet/unit was magnificent.  Just go a little slower to allow your work to be seen.  

In 2005 we went totally digital, and I offered a slideshow that we showed at the reception, that was a boilerplate powerpoint and we dropped images from a laptop into the program while the couple ate.  It was a great way to get an extra 1000.00 for the cost of another person at the wedding.  So what I'm saying is with a little work, you can use the same template over and over again.....

Power point is a product pretty easy to use, and there are many tutorials on Youtube.....


Thanks for the tips Mike,
My music came with it,  nothing I picked but I'm glad you liked it. 
I'll tune the next ones in a little better,  this was mainly practice, so any advise helps,  but keep in mind,  I'm a simpleton, and don't wish to spend a whole lot of time making them. 
The Rebel I am is just happy sharing my pictures..  lol
I'll try to do better though!

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can use their Movie app to string together a bunch of photos.  I'll bet that you can do on a Mac as well. YouTube lets you make a video with photos as well.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

YouTube lets you make a video with photos as well. 
That may be the way to go then I could embed it right into the post,  One thing that I have been having problems doing.  I'm just to dumb at that stuff,

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Bently...just find something that works for you....try to follow the 5 to 8 second rule, and you'll be fine.  And oh...simpletons' don't make the awesome things you guess is you will scope this out and we will be enjoying some very good slide shows, very soon.

Back in the "old days" my hobby was making what was called "multi-media shows"...they were multiple slide projector shows set to music using one of the stereo tracks on a cassette deck for the projector change commands.  They were a nightmare to make....the biggest I ever did was a three screen, seven projector had about 500 slides and would have similar images, like a panorama that would cover all three screens at once several time during the presentation.  I entered these in competition.  I never did very well as I didn't have the money to buy all the equipment nor did I have the smarts to program it....The coolest one I ever saw was a 5 screen, 11 slide projector, 1 movie projector show about crop dusting.  Just the control unit was 5k in 1982....after seeing that, is when I started playing with this.  I played with that until digital came along in the early 2000's.  In 2020 when I closed my studio to retire, I threw away thousands of dollars worth of equipment that just wasn't relevant any more....Some of those shows I saw literally gave me goosebumps....they were awesome, and scarey at the same time....there was a lot of mechanical moving parts.....and everything had to be timed just right.  Power points still give me a little of the same thing today....when the music is right and images are also, there is still a "goosebump factor".  I look forward to seeing your work.....especially one with a lot of your different pieces...I think you have great potential.  Be sure to get good photos of all your work, the power points can come anytime...

PS---Projected shows are the way to go to get that impact....projectors are not nearly as much as they used to be....and it is just as easy as plugging in the projector and a "boom box" to your lap top.
