I Have a new website ,how about your feedback?


He everyone I’ve finally upgraded my website, would you mind giving me your thoughts, I’m open to constructive ideas on what could be improved. https://www.artisticwoodstudio.com/
Thanks so much,

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

14 Replies

Hey Jim, I like your new website.

Just one idea: on the home page, the Picture Rotator looks much better with landscape pictures rather than with portrait pictures(first picture). Also, it seems like the third picture in rotator is a stock picture and it still has the watermark which doesn’t look very professional.

-- Michal, http://WoodworkingWeb.com

Hi Michal
Thank you for your help and suggestions, I hadn’t noticed the watermarks before.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Great website Jim, very complete. In looking at a few other sites, for example Brian Boggs website, his photos feature his chairs without any background clutter. I assume this is accomplished with a background eraser app but the pieces really jump out at you. Just an idea. Again great site, good luck Jim.


Thanks Jack very good input.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice site – the pictures speak volumes about the values and skills you bring to the craft. I’m not sure where you find the time to do these things.

Stay active.

Thanks for your input Mike. If your speaking of making the website that and the photos are all thanks to my son Joseph a most talented, the teaching part has become very busy but enjoyable.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Actually, I was referring to your schedule – the teaching, holding classes, doing fine projects; taking on new things. I spend so much time grand-parenting, alone, that I have to steal time for the shop… everything else receives precious little..


Good for you Mike I love woodworking but family is the most important if you don’t pay attention before you know it those grandkids are grown and gone.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Hello Jim,
I also took a look at your website, now without addressing any techinal aspects I saw in the about tab the dedication and appreciation of Stan Walker.
This is a nice touch and prompted me to go looking to find out who Stan actually was.
He is possibly not your Dad due to the name Walker, but could not find the answer, so my curiosity has got the better of me, what is the connection of Stan worthy of a such a nice dedication?

In closing and from my limited knowledge of websites I thing you have every thing else covered quite well.

Regards Rob

Hi Rob
Stan was my father-in-law he was a 60+ Year woodworker more exactly a sash and doorman, his shop was in costa mesa Ca. close to Newport Beach, he made woodworking projects that no one else knew how to do, such as all of the windows and doors for Tunetown at Disneyland with windows and doors that were both convex and concave in the same window and one had the shape of Roger Rabbit running through it, he also did all of the windows and doors for the haunted mansion in Disneyland, He did lots of work for John Wayne and another well know actors. Besides being a woodworking genius, Stan was, with the exception of my own father was a real fun loving guy and the kindest most loving man I’ve ever know. He always encouraged me with my woodworking a gave me lots of praise for my woodworking, but I knew the kind of projects I was doing was childs play for him.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

OK thanks that certainly is more than worty of a special decication.
An a side note we have a wooden Pub here in Brisbane that was called the Ettamoga pub of comic strip era.

Just about all the the windows and doors are off square I dont supose you FIL did a job here !! I was always facinated as to how it could be done.

A link :- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ettamogah_Pub

Sadly due to a legal dispute the owner had to paint out the name all a bit silly I thought however thats life!

Regards Rob

Thanks, everyone for your input I appreciate you all taking the time.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I like the site. Like to take a class.

I need to create something!

Hi Galvipa
Thanks for your feedback, I’d be glad to have you attend a class.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker