We have this Box thing going on, but not much going on.

David E.

I have my box ready to go. I would like to see this thing get off the launch pad.
Send me your ideas to get this going and I will try to get things moving.

Let me know.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

19 Replies

I need a few more weeks.

Losing fingers since 1969

What kind of box are we making ?

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Thanks , I will get started .

First I need to check and see what they were doing
with those Minnekastchen boxes about five to six hundred
years ago in Germany for inspiration ( not really ) .

Very cool. I’m not sure I can reach that level of fancy.

Losing fingers since 1969

Me neither. I do not have enough years left to do that..


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I ran across these in the Kunst Museum in Cologne
Germany , on the net years ago. I have a theory that all those
locks were for stopping things from falling out of the
box , in the rough and tumble Dark Ages , and child-proofing
perhaps…….hummmmm . These are the kind of boxes, I agree,
that we should not aspire to ! Nice to look at though . The
seated couple on one of the boxes appear to be playing a
board game , which has 7 rows by 6 rows…..odd.

That’s my favorite one. I guess when you’re hand making everything, you don’t need much in the way of measuring equipment or even the ability to count.

Losing fingers since 1969

Measure twice cut once.

Losing fingers since 1969

So I guess the box is 1*1*1 or something like that.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

So I guess the box is 1*1*1 or something like that.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Measure an infinite number of times , cut once .
My box is rather large , something useful for
a woodworker….maybe a little surprise included
inside . Now, all there is left to do is watch the
Calendar , Hahaa . 1+1+1+1+1+1 +1+1 = 8 months

Hard to do something like this . Too few participants in our
site overall these days to promote interest . If something
is incentivized , for instance , a contest with a cash prize ,
then you KNOW some would be showing up for that ……(and possibly ONLY that ). Simple fact of commerce . I have noticed
a sharp decline in activity in Europe and South America, also,
for sites like this one .

I noticed on my fishing website where there is a very active lure making swap community, there are usually about 20 people that show interest and then half drop out over time. Life gets in the way. Seems like something new pops up every chance I get for some free time. In the past 2 weeks, my son flushed plastic toys down the toilet, my kitchen faucet blew up, my dryer died and I bought a used freezer which triggered a storage renovation in the basement. Life comes at you hard, man. And I still have a lure swap thing to finish up. Damn… The box is going to have to wait. :-(

Losing fingers since 1969

Give me what you got and I will try to complete.

Moment and I are ready to go.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Beautiful boxes. I would love to know how to make these and expect they would take far longer to complete than the bandsaw boxes I make. I have listed one today in the Creations section.

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