Is teak ok to use for a baby cradle?


Hi all,
We have our 1st grand baby on the way in July. I want to make a swinging baby cradle for my daughter. I have enough teak to make the cradle and am wondering if it is an ok wood to use. The cost of wood here in Washington is just astronomical. If teak isn’t a good choice, I’ll probably go with oak. The only other affordable options I really have would be pine or poplar.

Also, if any of you have made a cradle, I’d love to see some pics. I have a design in my head but am always open to suggestions. Thanks!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Teak is listed as an irritant and can cause nausea. However, for a cradle, it’s unlikely that the baby will be in it still once they are able to chew it.
That’s a pretty fancy cradle…Teak here is selling for $40/bf!

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Very expensive here too. I just happen to have some that was given me. I like working with oak so may just go with that.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

I would not be concerned regarding any health risks with teak.
When I was in Thailand I saw many complete houses made from teak, and they looked fabulous. I think from memory one of them was a silk merchant John Thompson, which I would imagine you could Google it to find information.

Also be aware there are some safety issues you will need to consider with the design of cots, for instance I dont think drop sides are recommended any more along with adequate ventilation to prevent the possibility of CO 2 build up, and specific spacing and dimensions to prevent entrapment.

Have a net search in your area for any regulations and have fun making it.

Regards Rob

I think Teak would be ok.I used cherry on my grandson’s cradle

Retirement is not as easy as I thought it would be

Thanks for the feedback guys, I really appreciate it.

Bill, that cradle is beautiful. I especially like the gliding aspect of it. I think I’ll be keeping my design a little simpler for my expertise level.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Hey Tim,Glad you like my cradle,I chose a glider because the baby always stays flat by gliding as opposed to rocking.rockler has some easy glide hardware that works pretty well,my nephew and I built on e for his son and worked well

Retirement is not as easy as I thought it would be