hey! I gotta new band saw


Well it’s an old bandsaw…a sixties Coronet Imp built in Derby…

so I tested it by making a box…it sucks, I know but it took no time at all and it’s made from a left over bit of pressure treated fence post.

I had fun. Never owned a band saw before…cost me fifty quid.
(yes that clamp is holding my window shut and those are potatoes on the sill, not alien eggs.)

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

16 Replies

Congrats on the latest toy!

-- Art

I am sorry Sir, but that has to be the ugliest band saw I have seen. Are you sure it was not built in France! :)
Good luck with it.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

HA! I know. But really at the price I couldn’t resist. It is an ugly old beast. I can barely lift it. It looks like it should be steam powered.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)


I never seen one like it before. I bet it won’t vibrate like these 14" bandsaw they offer now.

I was wondering what was on the window sill.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Nice three wheel bansaw. I have heard that some work extreemly well. It really depends on how you tune it up and particularly what blade you use. I use blades from Fuffsaw. Ian makes blades for most bandsaws and is a very helpful guy if you can chat with him.

I has a two wheel small bandsaw last January, but have changed for a larfer one now and it works well.

Love to keep busy in retirement - http://www.getwoodworking.com/albums/member_album.asp?a=33974

Mine eats blades for breaky with sausage. Already lost four. Thanks for the tip.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Just seen my poor spelling. This is the guy I use, https://www.tuffsaws.co.uk/index.php?route=account/login but you probably have some experts over there. If you ask on this site, someone may pop up to lend a hand and point you in the right direction. Remember, it’s not just the blade, it’s the tuning of all of it. Good luck

Love to keep busy in retirement - http://www.getwoodworking.com/albums/member_album.asp?a=33974

Great link, thx…Their address puts them in south Wales.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Nice find. I picked mine up on a lark too. A small, old craftsman. But that coronet looks like a real serious machine. The nice thing about those 3 wheelers is the deeper cutting table.

I’ve noticed the British have an affinity for 3 wheels.


Losing fingers since 1969

Lol. not seen that one before and obviously there was little respect for the little car from HIM!

Love to keep busy in retirement - http://www.getwoodworking.com/albums/member_album.asp?a=33974

Three wheelers need thinner blades. I used to have one and although cheap, it was a fine little machine and it could easily be taken inside a boat for small work saving a lot of trips up and down the staging. …….. But I had to seek out the thinner blades that are made for these little guys. The “regular” thickness ones would break quickly.

BTW, I think it’s cute. :-)

The early bird gets the worm but its the second mouse that gets the cheese.

I bought some thin blades from the place in the link above. I’m hoping it helps, I’ll let you know.

Personally, I love it. It might be an ugly duckling, but it’s got character.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Congrats…looks like a little adventure, I love those kind of projects, they are a great way to learn…but what the hell is a quid?


Let us know how you get on. My first bandsaw was a little DeWalt 3401 and it worked very well with Tuffsaw blades and the tune up described by Alex Snodgrass in his video. Only changed to get a deeper cut of 12" with the Record BS400, but still use Tuffsaw blades on this new one.

Love to keep busy in retirement - http://www.getwoodworking.com/albums/member_album.asp?a=33974

Mike: Quid is slang for a pound. So it cost fifty pounds or about 75 bucks. That included the new super industrial fully belled and whistled NVR switch, which sells here for about 15 to 20, all wired in by an electrician I know for free. Well there was a beer later.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Wolf..Thanks for the explanation…that sounds like a pretty good deal to me!!!
My first bandsaw was a three wheel…..I had a heck of a time, the cuts were very hard to make straight, the blade seemed to wander….I sold it for 35 bucks (25 Quid?) and the guy that bought it knew what he was doing, unlike me at the time, and he made made it run like a top. He has a big bandsaw and still has this one and loves it. ( I sold it to him 15 years ago) I have used it since and it really cuts well…that taught me not to just move on without substantial research and effort!
