New Table saw


Starting to look around at upgrading my table saw ( the one I have is a old Beaver saw Its about 45 years old I remember my dad having it when I was a kid many moons ago) its a belt drive will take a 8" blade no guards of course and top is approx 18 x26.for the most part it does what I want just not real accurate for angles .Most of what I am doing is smaller pieces mayby as big as a cradle not in to building cabinets large furniture
My work shop shop is a attached single car garage (no room for a car of course) so space is tight and table saw top becomes work space for sanders,routers,scroll saws etc.
One of the saws I have been thinking about the Rigid 10 cast iron top at
Home depot any feed back on this saw or any recomendations would be great.
Thanks Bill

I have not seen it but bosch reaxx seems interesting.

I had the bosch 4100-09 for over a year and it never bogged down.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Ridgid had a blade alignment problem in many of their saws but from what I understand they have cured that problem ,so for table saws in that price range it will be hard to beat unless your interested in used saws where on occasion you can get a used powermatic for the same price,but that may be more saw than you need.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I have a portable dewalt for the job site and has been a real good saw for the last ten years or so. I think they have changed a lot since then so not sure, but maybe give them a look.

I’m not a fan of job site saws for shop work because of their same table top and limited power ,but the Dewalt Model DW745 I have for job site work works better than other job site saws I have had, particularly the fence with its Rack and pinion fence that stays parallel ,unlike older models.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Jim I agree 100%. Most job site saws are junk. Not sure on the model # I have, but it has been a real work horse. I also used mine for furniture and such before I had my cabinet saw and worked great. However I have not had good luck with any other Dewalt tools in the last maybe 8 years.

It’s Crazy how things work out Wes ,I must have 20 Dewalt tools and they have worked great for me for well over 10 years,but most of them are contractor tools ,no routers or planners. It’s strange how things work out for each individual as far as tools go.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Jim, almost all of my tools used to be Dewalt (including my lunch bucket). As they started to wear out I replaced with another Dewalt but the new one would break before the old wore out. Most recently a skill saw things like new but doesn’t work. The only cordless Dewalt I got left is probably the oldest, the rest just did not last. My compressor and table saw have been great though.

I am sold on the jet saws. I bought a 10" deluxe exacta model 10 years ago. Used the piss out of it for 8 years, used it daily in my cabinet shop. I sold it to another cabinet shop 2 years ago (a friend of mine). He is on it every day cutting out kitchen cabinets. Great saw, I would buy another one.

going to keep looking I have a customer at my shop in last week for service on his van and he was saying he has a shop full of tools he is not able to use anymore and his wife is after him to sell some of it He is going away for a couple weeks and is going to give me a call when he gets back