This what dreams are made of!!


I have a woodworking and golf friend who just bought an old 4 story apartment building in the city as an investment. He called me and said to come running, he had something to show me. In the dry dusty basement, we found a room full of very neatly stacked boards, approximately 4 to 5 HUNDRED in count. The were dusty and dirty so I brought one home and took a 16th of an inch off of both sides with the planer. They are 3/4" X 6" X 7’. We have had 3 people of knowledge confirm that it is American Chestnut. Someone took the time to carefully pull all nails. It has very few nail holes and most of the nail holes are square indicating some the age. Best of all he said to help myself.


20 Replies

WOW! what a find….congrats!

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

great find,enjoy!

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

You could not have titled this any better. Happy creating and make lots of SAWDUST.


Wow! that’s like digging a treasure.

Make lot’s of project and post:)

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

You must be ecstatic about this treasure find and it would be even better if you could get the history of this lumber .
Chestnut ?
Can’t wait to see what you will make with this beautiful wood but be careful it will get used in a hurry .

That is just a great find.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Thanks everyone. The entry to the room opens behind the furnace and has a wall jut out that hides the door opening. When you get in the room and turn out the flashlight, It is absolute darkness. It is fascinating to ponder where it came from, how long it has been there and particularly who took such great care to to stack it perfectly. After we get in there and move It, I am hoping someone had the foresight to leave possibility a note or something to answer our questions. It is such an amazing find its almost surreal just to stand and look at it.


This is what some refer to as a “Wood Gloat” and the accepted reply to wood gloats is only two words,
the first word is a letter of the alphabet and the second is the opposite of blow.

tee hee

Regards Rob

Robert the only thing I could come up within those parameters, a letter and the opposite of blow, was “I inhaled” when I saw all that beautiful chestnut. Was that it? Ha ha


Very good Jack!.. I will have to pay that!

I am surprised the previous owners did not take them when they vacated

Enjoy the find and post a creation real soon!

Regards Rob

Congrats and have fun with it! A rare find indeed…

"No matter where you go, there you are" Buckaroo Banzai

Thank you Shari and Hoosierdaddy. It is amazing.


Wow! What a find! Congratulations. Now go make some beautiful furniture with it!

Losing fingers since 1969

What everyone else says… WOW!


Wow, chestnut is almost impossible to come by these days. You have really hit the jackpot. Enjoy!

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks Mike, it is really beautiful stuff.
