New Jointer


Well i found a good deal on a jointer so i bought it. I know the general concept of what it does, but i want to make sure i am using it right, i need some direction. Are there any good blogs, sites, or anything other reading/video that i can watch to teach me how to use a jointer right?

here is what i got, menards 3/4hp 6" jointer. The reason i bought this is the cast iron fence, previously bought a craftsman with a thin aluminum fence and turned out to be crap.


This might help

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thank you Jim, thats exactly what i was needing. I ran some 2×4s thru it, and well who knows how they came out i didnt check them. Tomorrow i will try and set it up. Thanks again!

Your welcome Tony
Happy jointing :)

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Here’s my favorite guy to learn from

Looks like a good quality jointer Tony. If you are a member of Fine you can find some very good articles about maintenance and repair of of these machines including blade changing, keeping the tables properly aligned and other helpful hints. Some of those articles are old, but just as relevant today as jointer basics haven’t changed much over the years.

Mike, an American living in Norway

The jointer looks good, especially because of the fact its 2nd hand and has been kept in such good condition.
I have to agree with you the fence certainly attracts attention and considering the length of it even more so.

A jointer has to be one of the least used tools but essential in a workshop for flattening material.
You can also use it for making rebates and tapers for legs.
It will take quite a good deal of your time and patience when its blade change time to set it up correctly again so beware, again there are lots of video demos on doing this procedure along with and a large variety of “set up” tools available.
You will learn about Magnetic Micrometer gauges and so on.
All which are expensive and do a great job, however once you become confident in what you are doing you can do the same with a simple straight edge and obtain the same results.

Buy a good in position diamond Blade hone as it will reduce the amount of times you will need to remove the blades.
A second set of blades or more is almost essential, dependent on the work you are doing and if you intend to have the blades resharpened by an outside service.
Again there is heaps of methods available to do the sharpening yourself if you so desire.

Check out all the various functions and give them a try, if you use them all the time so be it, otherwise just remember what the jointer is capable of for later.

Take care with it and dont forget to use push paddles even Sam Malouf fell victim to a Jointer!


P.S. That is a nice car you have!!

Regards Rob

Make that Sam Maloof please!

Regards Rob