Warmed over


So far, WW appears to be a warmed over version of LJs, with the same cast of characters and mix of somewhat knowledgeable and inane comments. Even to the point of bean counting. Any earlier mission statement to the contrary is unfulfilled.

11 Replies

Given it’s a community driven site why don’t you steer it the right way.
please show us the way, enlighten us

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Yes, CWS, please enlighten us with your progressive mind, effective vision, and stirring insights – your comments offer us so much hope and leadership…

Why don’t you nyuk off back to Lumberjocks then Clint?
I like it here. I think the members here are more knowledgeable, more courteous, and more interested in getting stuff done.

That just about sums it up, as to why I am no longer a LJ fan, and have moved to this site.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.


Each of us, or perhaps most of us, are passionate woodworkers, trying to do our best and help other passionate woodworkers do theirs.

the vision, as stated on another discussion is to “build a thriving online woodworking community” and that means sharing information about woodworking and the woodworking journey – keeping things woodworking related.

Stats, as of today, are: 269 woodworkers making 1,616 comments on 115 creations, 60 blogs, and 58 forum topics.
115 woodworking creations by 269 woodworkers is a pretty good stat!
20 of the forum topics are site-related (as can be expected as the site starts its journey), leaving 38 about woodworking and, although I haven’t checked, I’m guessing that all 60 blogs are woodworking related.

I’d say it is a pretty good start at building a thriving online woodworking community.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

sorry Madts,

I initially did not want to comment on this thread but I thought it was unfair to the level of information and detailed posted by some members. Pretty much all of them answered questions about the build detail of their projects and more. Yes there will always be “nice project” and that’s nice too.
I don’t know who is CWS but from the tone his comments here and there, I truly believe he must be an experienced woodworker who has a lot to offer. An I do hope he does because I am learning a ton of new things from you all.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

and this is the flavour of our site: “I truly believe he must be an experienced woodworker who has a lot to offer. An I do hope he does because I am learning a ton of new things from you all.
Nicely said, Ianwater!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

As far as I can tell for all intents and purposes this site is a clone of Lumberjocks. I don’t mean any disrespect by that, but it’s quite literally the exact same thing.

Part of the mission statement indicated that there was a want to have more tutorials ‘n such on how to get things done, but at the end of the day that’s going to be driven by user content, just like Lumber Jocks (unless there are folks on the Woodworking Web staff that do intend to bring such things to the table).

What the site does bring to the table is additional content – a lot of which is redundant – but it’s another outlet for woodworkers and that’s just fine as far as I’m concerned.

Well it certainly does have many of the same features as LJ but there is also a push (from the users) to encourage people posting the creations to explain what, how, which, etc.
I’ve also not seen one forum thread here where someone wants to buy either tool A or tool B and the rest of the thread is a list of brand names not related to the two choices.
So far there have been some highly interesting forums, blogs and creation postings all focusing on problems and the solutions to them. This fits the vision from the forum admins and it’s almost entirely driven by the users.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

So far it is a different atmosphere. It is still focused on woodworking.

I agree with wolf & Rabbit. There are some really engaging forum post that are taking place.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA