Sacrificial Fence Clamp Storage


After all these years, I got around to buying a couple clamps to hold sacrificial fences to my table saw fence. They work great, and are an alternative to my old method of securing the fence, which involved drilling holes in the both my regular and sacrificial fences, countersinking the holes, then running long screws through both and securing the fences together with threaded knobs.

The only disadvantage of the clamps is, they are not permanently mounted to the sacrificial fence, so must be stored so they can found, when the fence is used.

To solve that problem, I merely made a couple slots in the face of the fence, just below the top, wide enough to, easily, slip Velcro strips through, then turn the clamps over and place them back into the holes, then secure them with the Velcro.

good idea.

I usually clamp mine on the end of the sacrificial fence and hang it.

I like yours better.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I like that, simple and effective.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

I’d thought about keeping it simple and doing the obvious, like you note Lanwater, but, like many, mine is a thick fence, and I didn’t want to spin the clamps to adjust for the over two inch difference between it’s thickness and the sacrificial fence’s each time I used it or put it away.

That makes perfect sense.
I know exactly what your are talking about. Every time I do it I feel the pain.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA