cat scratch fever


i don’t mean to be absent but i was bitten by a cat on my right wrist. my hand looks like a hagus with five sausages sewed on one end.

long story… owners of random cat discovered, cat carrier delivered, terrified cat, argument about where cats should go (obviously NOT in the cat carrier) , cat captured and removed to owner’s home, five days of unrelenting pain with no respite …cat now back in the garden. owners stupidly “let it out” and now abandoning cat. the owner lives about a mile down the valley. The cat can do what it wants, i’m never touching it again.

can’t hold chisel, can’t move my thumb, can’t sleep…quite annoyed.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Well that’s a bite in the but , or should I say hand ?


Hope you’re on antibiotics….I’m an ER doctor, see a lot of cat bites. They can be quite nasty and tend to get infected more frequently than dog bites.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Wow that’s super bad ,I hope you heal up quickly.
I have a friend that says cats are meant to be catapult ammunition .

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Funny story about cats. My oldest daughter stopped by my garage with this mangy looking kitten . Wanted to know if she could it with Dan and I for an hr . I said I didn’t care. We were done for the day and was just standing in the garage door drinking beer. Well this kitten has been meowing since it got there. Dan looks at me and says " I wonder where " and before he could finish the sentence he found out where that kitten was. Dan always wears shorts , well this kitten had leaped up and sunk its front paws through his shorts and into the back of his leg . The back paws were directly implanted in his skin just above the back of his knee cap. He was screaming and running around in circles for a bout 30 seconds till he pealled that thing off him. Me – I was laughing so hard I couldn’t see because of the tears . One of the funniest thing I seen in my life. Neddless to say next time the kitten quit meowing Dan ran for his life !!!!


That’s funny, Bruce. Of course, is only funny when it’s someone else, but when it is, well… I share your tears. :-)

Wolf that completely sucks. Get well soon. And don’t worry about the cat. As soon as it starts wrecking your wife’s garden, that will be it’s last days on earth for sure and you won’t have to lift a single swollen finger.

Losing fingers since 1969

Well, finally, I’m back to normal. Into the shop tomorrow! Hurrah!

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

glad you are OK…. that had to be a difficult ordeal.

Thanks, everyone…about 20 days ago now. At one point it looked like I might need the hospital but the doctor gave me some pain killers (thankfully) and more effective antibiotics and some antihistamine. The swelling finally went down and that eased the pain.

I’m here to tell you, don’t let a cat bite you, ever.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)