Stocking stuffer


Saw this somewhere and thought it a good idea for a stocking stuffer. I have yet to make one.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

I have made 5 of them for the readers in the family and they are using them. They really work great as advertised.


It is handy!
I need one.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

I made some to but i found that the ladies in the family needed smaller holes because of slimline thumb. I believe i drilled a 1/2" & 9/16" hole for the women here. I needed a 7/8" thumb hole.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Those where the big rage a couple of years ago and I gave about thirty to a librarian friend and they seem to work quite well .
I made three different size holes 5/5 3/4 7/8 to get the right fit for almost everybody but my wife does not like them she says her thumb aches after using it for a while .

Great tool to overcome the ‘tight’ books.

Mike, an American living in Norway