American Chestnut


We really do not have hardwood forests like in the east. Mostly with a few excepts our forests are soft woods. But the pioneers brought seeds and saplings- planted them and some flourished. We all know about Claro walnut and some are giants. There are others here and there. I just purchased some American chestnut- a large Isolated farm tree. killed by a storm- sawn and stored for quite a few years. I am looking for knowledge on uses and info from folks that are acquainted with this wood.

You can use it for just about anything that you want. It is a beautiful brownish colored wood. You just find that much any more, you made a good score. Build something that you will treasure with it.

A hundred years ago here woodworkers were making rocking chairs with it. Now the trees are cherished especially with the cull of elm trees due to Dutch elm, in the last 6 months another 400 from the city had to be downed, but the chestnuts remain. The city does look bare tho. You might want to try a rocker, I never have but want to try one some time.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Beautiful wood. I have never use it, so I can not give you any recommendations.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

A venerable tree species. It’s really is too bad about the Dutch elm disease that has nearly eradicated it. I’m sure you will find an appropriate project for it.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Did I misunderstand this, I thought it was blight that wiped out the Chestnut trees. I’m curious because last year I planted 2 in my yard that are supposedly blight resistant variety.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

Thanks for the info. Fred – The Blight did wipe out millions but back east there are a few and on isolated farms there seems to be a few more in the west. I have 24" + wide boards- never been used- some with bark on. This is not the only one in the area. They were planted early 100’s or late 1800’s. I will get some more pictures when the rest is home.