Wood phone cases



I’m not sure how they do this at these prices and turn a profit. They say they’re hand made. But the idea is genius!

Losing fingers since 1969

The video shows them being CNC routed, but there’s couple of places where someone touches them with their hands. They do look nice. They’d have to batch them out to make any margin.

Douglas from Chicago - http://dcwwoodworks.com

Hey Brian, here’s how I did mine. I used my wife’s old plastic case, painted it black and did a 2 ply veneer of birds eye maple on the back held on with double stick tape. It has held up quite well for the past year.

My Woodshop is my happy place? trimandcraft.ca https://www.facebook.com/Trimandcraft

That is spectacular. Nice work. I have a leather flip case but if I had a hard back case, I would definitely give that a try. But I think ca glue would do the trick more permanently. I abuse my phone more than my wood projects. LOL

Losing fingers since 1969

Mostly looks like a thin veneer applied to a basic case, probably not a lot of overhead. I suspect the handmade aspect only refers to the gluing of the veneer and the application of finish. With machines providing the engraving, wood burning and actual cut outs to glue up they can probably turn them out quickly. So if its only a couple bucks to make and you can make a dozen or more an hour then it wouldn’t be too hard to turn a good profit.

Great Idea Narinder. It’s beautiful.

Are the ends of the veneer bent over the edges slightly or is it an illusion?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

@Ianwater. The edges are sanded and that does create a bit of an illusion. It was very simple but I had the old case and didn’t want to buy one. It is a good use for the veneer scraps I had. Thanks.

My Woodshop is my happy place? trimandcraft.ca https://www.facebook.com/Trimandcraft

Thanks Narinder.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very cool I think ill try that but maybe ill just glue it or doubble tape it to the phone. Lol ill be getting a new one soon.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"