New Jorgensen grips (review)


In Feb I picked up a dozen Jorgensen 6" f-clamps that all had the new plastic/rubber grips, ace hardware had them for 5.00 each. Since then I’ve picked up 3 of the heavy duty f-clamps as well. This has given me several opportunities to use them alongside their older, wood handled brethren.
Despite the wood worker in me railing against the loss of solid maple handles I like them better. They are bigger around making them a better fit in the hand. With either the regular or heavy duty clamps I tend to judge clamp pressure based on if the bar starts to curve. I don’t have to put a lot of effort into tightening to that point with either handle but I find with the wood handles it is tough to loosen the next day. I don’t know if it is from expansion at the glue line or the threads binding from sitting. Either way the wood handled versions can be a real struggle while the new handles aren’t. Between the thicker diameter and the pattern to them they are easy to unscrew, where my hand would slip before now it grips. The material also seems tough enough to withstand the test of time. As a result I think the Jorgensen f-clamps will remain the only ones I buy moving forward, tough the old HF versions will still stay in rotation.

12 Replies

I miss the wood handles. I’ll be trying to get the last of those where I can find them to fill out my clamp collection. Yes, the rubber one work fine, but I like the feel of the maple ones better.

Douglas from Chicago -

I agree with RevRuss I love the new rubber handles over the maple ones. One my hands are a xxxl and it fits just great. Yes, I too have noticed that the wooden handle f style clamps are harder to undo. I don’t really have an answer to that. It could be one or a combination of the things you stated RevRuss. Ive had the pleasure of owning many different manufacturer of clamps and I love jorgensen. Now, Bessy has larger handles than the jorgensen maples. I have four 12" Bessy F style but got them for a steal at the Milwaukee wood show For $7.00 now at that price ill buy them. But for the majority jorgensen all the way. At some point I’ll sell all my odd balls.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I’ve admired those new handles in stores, and wish I could upgrade my older Cabinet Masters with the new grips. That wood is just to hard to grip tightly….would really like the new ones.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

We should arrange a swap, I’ll take your old woodies!

Douglas from Chicago -

Hey since I just bought my f clamps with wooden and rubber handles ill swap out the new wooden for new rubber handles Doug. Your in Chicago and im Watertown near Madison, WI. Your thoughts. I could get a list of all my clamps including the style ( medium or heavy duty)

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

I’d swap as well (in a heartbeat), but I think it’s a little too far for us to connect.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

I was also curious as to why they no longer list US or China, turns out now all of certain parts are made in China like the swivel and grip while others are made in the US for assembly here. Since none say made in China it would indicate the process is for all of them.

Where you at Fred?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Waynesfield, OH…sort of 1/2 way between Dayton and Toledo, about 12 miles east of I-75.

"I long for the day when coke was a cola and a joint was a bad place to be" Merle Haggartd

Hi Jeff, so far my only rubber grip Jorgy’s are two of the 48" Parallel clamps. Probably not worth traveling for a swap. But if you’re ever passing through, or I’m up your way, we could swap those! The rest of my Jorgy’s are all wooden handles.

Douglas from Chicago -

Well if I get your way Fred or Douglas or viseverca lets do the trade.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Most of the clamps I’ve bought have been Jorgensen, at least partially for the wooden handles. I have a few Bessey clamps with the rubber handles; they are easier to grip than the smooth wood of the Jorg. but the wood just feels better.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario