I am new to woodworking and looking for advice….. I’m trying to plane a warped board to make something (have yet to decide what to make next), but there are a few knots in the wood that are giving me trouble while planing. Any ideas/advice as to how to handle them without damaging my plane?

Thank you,

See if you can flatten the board first on a joiner or hand plane.I have spritzed water on highly figured wood before planeing with success.


If you cant get the warp out of the board, its not going to be much good for too many things.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I try to avoid knots and generally cut them out before planing unless they are small. I would start with a project in mind before milling the wood, that way if you can use short pieces between the knots you can cut them out if not get a different board.

Bondo Gaposis