I’ve bee a woodworker for about 40 years & loved every second of it. I’ve created some one of a kind projects & countless production runs. I started at 12 working with my Dad & step father making stuff for around the home & home repairs, then started making chairs. & tables in Gardnet MA “chair city”. For the last 20 years I’ve wor in a high end window and door shop & my own shop with my wife ,father, brother & now introducing it to my 12 year old grandson.


Welcome aboard. It sounds like you’ll be a real asset here. BTW…yay grandad! It’s a thing here, the grandfather connection.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Welcome! Yes the grandson thing is a thing here.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

I’ve only been here a few days myself but Welcome!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

I just told my son to hurry up and get me a grandson so I can join the club. LOL

Welcome to both of you David & Brenda.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA