New to the forum… located in Marietta, GA (NW of Atlalta) Do you have scrollers here?

Yes, although I haven’t been able to post any new pics until I resolve my camera problems.

I just acquired a 16" bright yellow scrollsaw. Never used one before but it seems to have a lot of potential. I’m daunted by the blade changing thing…seems a right faff. I’ll follow along but I’m afraid I have little to offer at this time.

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Welcome to WW Kepy. There are a few scroll saw enthusiasts here already so you should feel right at home.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Welcome Kepy. Hope you have fun and enjoy the site. Not been here very long myself. Scrollsaws are very useful, not only in themselves for the variety of things they can do, but I also use one for the entrances to the secret drawers in my bandsaw boxes

Love to keep busy in retirement - http://www.getwoodworking.com/albums/member_album.asp?a=33974

Welcome to the site. There are some scroll enthusiasts here. I have been scroll sawing for a long time and use a Dewalt 788. Love doing fretwork.
