Hey all, my real name is Rob; I live just outside of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. I’ve been woodworking for about 5 years. I started collecting tools to do a basement remodel, and once the remodelling was done I needed something else to use the tools for….slowly collected more tools and expanded my limited repertoire of ww projects. Started off with a cramped 13×25 garage, then a 33×17 and this spring moved into a dream 1100sqft workshop.
Woodworking is a great hobby; it gives me something creative to spend my time (and money!) on; especially during some of the cold Canadian winter months. Every project is still a process of learning, both to be more conscious of design decisions and improving my technical skills (and getting better at covering my mistakes).
I’ve slowly filled my home with different projects and I’m beginning to run out of space…may start to sell some of my projects, not that I could ever make a living doing ww but at least breaking even would allow me to continue, and give me an excuse to buy more tools.

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario


It sounds like you’ve made some very quick progress, and that you have a good ww philosophy.


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Filling your house with projects you made means you learned a ton of things.

Hope to see some of your projects and learn from you as well.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

When we are up your way, we should arrange a get-together!!!
We have friends in Massey.
Congrats on the dream workshop!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Hi Rob!

It must be nice to be able to work in the winter. I have a large shop as well, but it’s still unheated.

Where are the band-aids?---Pro Libertate!

Monty: It’s great to be able to work in the winter; the summertime is so nice after a long winter it’s hard to be inside.
MsD: yeah, if you’re ever up by the Soo let me know!

Rob, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

hopefully will be in Massey at the end of August or first of September… I’ll keep you posted.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit