Introducing ---"me"!


Hello, from Ontario, Canada.
My journey into woodworking had one goal: to make a box. That’s it.. .I just wanted to make a box, out of wood.
Since I have absolutely no woodworking experience under my belt, I went online to find out how to meet my goal. I quickly found that woodworkers are fantastic people, ready to offer advice and a helping hand.
I made my wooden box and then I was challenged to make a table .. which I did.. .and then I connected with Martin and writing, my favourite hobby, came into play and I became his “Executive Director of The Writing Stuff” (I still chuckle at that title.)
Today, when he asked me to join his team with some new communities, I was thrilled to be once again working for the best … “boss” (sorry, Martin, I know how you hate being called that) … the best person I have ever had the honour of working with!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

12 Replies

im happy to know miss debbie from days gone bye, glad she is here and look forward to seeing just what interesting things she writes, and maybe we can coax her into a bit of woodworking again, since you made a table, how about a chair…:)

"the grizz" [''''']

haha good one Grizzman … after the table, everyone tried challenging me to go for a chair but I’m not falling for it!!! Way beyond my capabilities or desire to push my limits :)
Rick and I did make some benches but I will admit that he did most of the work.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

well see, benches are the halfway point for a chair, so you have the skills, i have full faith in you, you know you can get a pattern from hal taylor, and come out with a true heirloom…there is plenty of time miss debbie…in fact if you will come down to alabama, i will give you the walnut to make it…no lie…..hows that for a good taunt….lol

"the grizz" [''''']

if only I had a passport — I’d be down there to take you up on your offer :)
As for the challenge… well, no plans in the near future to make a chair! :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I’m very happy to see you are into word-working again Debbie. I missed your bubbly presence at ‘the other place’. I’m also glad to see the old team back in business with yourself, Martin and Michal. Good luck with this new site!

Mike, an American living in Norway

and I’m thrilled to see you here!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Howdy MsDebbieP! We’ve already shared a few pm’s, but it’s nice to meet you. I do enjoy your writing style; you seem to have a flare for it. The site is still young and not very busy, but you still find something to write about. Martin could do a lot worse;)

Where are the band-aids?---Pro Libertate!

hahah thanks MontyJ :)
Kind words!!!

Martin?? >>> did you see that? :D

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit


Wondered where you went. I see others found this place pretty quick. Saw your email, and here I am. Should be an interesting ride?

Thomas J. Tieffenbacher/aka docSavage45

yes indeed!
Lookin’ good so far :)

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

i am also glad to see you miss debbie, and a lot of friends from the other place. thanks for a good site, and real good quality work from the members.

Thanks, Wiser …
Welcome :D

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit