Various Carving Tools


These are just a few of my many carving tools. The palm gouges by Drake are my favourite. They fit my hand comfortably and since I use gouges a lot for my carvings they are the best. the second picture is of the chip carving knives in my collection. I prefer the Beebee knives to the Moor (grey handled) chip carving knives. The next photo is of the Japanese made starter carving set purchased at Lee Valley Tools. The 4th photo is my favourite carving knife. I like the shape and it fits comfortable in my hand. The last photo is of my Veritas draw knife. I use this knife when curving the edges of an oblong shape such as carving a paddle or the spine of the book box I’m working on right now.


That’s quite the collection!

I wouldn’t have thought about “fitting my palm” but thinking of crochet hooks, what a difference the fit makes!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Comfortable tools make the craft more enjoyable! ?
