I own the Grizzly G0948 and have been very happy with it. Some days I wish I still had a 14" bandsaw with a riser, but most of the time I’m better off working small anyhow, and it’s safer for me to cut logs in half with a chainsaw on a pair of sawbucks.

Dust collection on the Grizzly is so-so. And I don’t like changing blades on it, but I’ve never seen a bandsaw that makes changing blades EASY, so there’s that. Alignment is pretty easy to correct if something goes wrong, but it seldom does.

And yeah, budget for about twice as many blades as you think you’ll use. I have a hair trigger on changing mine now. First cut that starts to wander more than I think it ought, I slap on a new blade and the saw cuts like a champ again. That said, I wish it would take blades wider than ½" - I cut almost all straight lines with it, and I really liked the ¾" resaw blades I had on my old Delta 14. 

May you have the day you deserve!