They'll be mortised into the door stile I assume?
I really doubt that that 1/16" edge will break during use since the hinge leaf should not be moving. It could break while cutting the mortise, but given your skills I really think you could go veneer thin and make it work without breakage ðŸ¤
You just want to avoid the hinge leaf putting pressure on that edge which can happen if the screw holes are a bit off center and shift the leaf slightly as you tighten the screws into any countersunk holes they may have.
The main stresses are the screws. You want the leaf holes as far from the edges as possible, which is probably best centered with the 5/8" leaf hinge.
No idea about the application strength, but I'd guess that they are just plated steel so general strength is not too bad.
Main difference is the fit with the knuckle and pin. Some hinges are sloppy here and if the door is inset, it could begin to drag if the hinges are too sloppy.