Watching. Unlikely to be playing, but I’m making progress on one of my sweetie’s projects, a screen that will sit in front of the fireplace when we’re not using it.

Here’s yesterday’s progress shot. Today I got eight more of the “rays” cut, and have either three, four or five more to make (depending on whether I want a ray in the middle, or a seam), then I get to start profiling them and gluing them down. Walnut frame, MDF backer, Rocky Mountain juniper rays, and a citrus “sun.”

The walnut all came from a 12/4 x 8 x 3 foot rift-sawn board. I resawed it into 5/8 thick quarter-sawn pieces. The juniper was logs and slabs from Sycamoray. The citrus came from AZ, and was resawn, too.

May you have the day you deserve!