Thanks to all. I've got some good ideas here.

I put the project on hold; I don't really like the way the finished table looks and can't seem to figure out what to do with it. It was going to be one of two workbenches, but that plan looked better on paper than in person, so I have an extra workbench. I was able to take it apart and store it out of the way for now. I think I will let it sit and not think about it for awhile and something will occur to me. My initial thoughts are to cut it down and make several smaller tables, make it a coffee table with shorter legs, or make a desk for one of my boys. It's too rough and will look out of place in the house, but I'd have to really paint it well to keep it outside. I was originally going to put a steel top on it, but I may gather some wood to make some sort of butcher block style top. I thought the rough finish I asked about would be appropriate to the look as well.
