Happy you are getting to the point of getting a shop working again.

I only have 2 points about your subject.

1, Cheap Dado stacks give crap results, at least here in the US. All of the costlier stacks will give pretty good results. If the stack is making poor cuts, you may be better off getting a flat grind blade, and doing the zoom zoom zoom thing. OR for your Dado's look into doing them on the router table, or handheld with a good edge guide.

2 Along your search I didn't need it, because of being here, so I didn't keep a link, but I just recently read about a dado stack approved for use over there.  I have no knowledge if it's worth a poop or not, just one had been approved.

I will say 2 people selling stuff that I generally respect quite a bit. Mike Taylor of Taylor tools, and Jonathan Katz Moses both sell CMT products. Because I like both of them, I bought a few blades, and some Forstner bits of the CMT line, and my opinion is they are way bottom tier goods, poor results brand new, and only worse as they got dull. My $0.02