re: AI Scam

Not sure that this is really AI.  Just really sophisticated social engineering.   The scam above sounds like a variation of the granny scam often used on Facebook.   In that one, they clone your FB account and send out friend requests to all of the people in your friends list.  When the find grandma or some other elderly relative, they contact them pretending to be a grandson or other relative saying that their car broke down, they are at the emergency room or got arrested and need money for repairs, admission or bail.  I've had my FB account cloned a couple of times.  If you see a friend request from someone you know you are already friends with, it is likely what is going on.  You can flag the account as bogus

    Another trick that I read about is that someone will call your phone and ask you a few questions.  They are looking for key words that they can use in various scams.  Never answer questions from someone you do not know and by all means avoid saying the word "yes".  One scam I read about uses a recording of your voice saying "yes" to get approval for various things over the phone.   

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.