This is an updated version of my KNEE VISE which I posted about a month ago .
The main difference is a slimmed down knee beam and a automatic quick release device that I designed for this vise .
The automatic quick release allows the vise chop to slide straight in and out without having to lift the chop .
I posted a video on this on youtube and here is the link if you would like to watch it .

I feel that the video will explain the vise better then I could here in words .
I am happy with this vise being a prototype and the automatic quick release really turned out well as it is very compact and easy to install in just about any vise .
I will see if there is any interest in the design and offer it for sale to interested parties .
The vise is made from pine and spruce lumber and some hickory reclaimed flooring for the knee beam along with hardware for a cost of about $50.00 CAN.
I hope you watch the video and comments are always welcome .


It’ getting better and simpler with every version.

I bet it will sell.

Happy New Year

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Your inguinity never ceases to amaze me. Sooner or later that leg Vise will be controlled just by your thoughts I bet. Seriously, every step in improving the Vise moves you further ahead of anything anyone has ever designed or used. Great job….we’re not worthy, were not worthy…

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Your leg vices just keep getting better Klaus, but I will be surprised if you can improve on this one!

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks guys
There is always a new challenge that I have to tackel and I enjoy it .


Very nice. I’m still in love with the v3 leg vise. <3 ;-)

Losing fingers since 1969

I am loving the videos you make, but, I would sooner see you promote this website. Not to say the other isn’t a great site, but this is the best because of how close the people seem to be. At least mention them both equally….

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

This is the comment under the video and I also wore my WWW T shirt in a couple of videos and verbally referred to this site to promote this site .

This is a updated version of my knee vise with added auto lock quick release .
Another economical but great vise that I built for about $50.00 CAN.
This will also be posted on LUMBER and WOODWORKING as a project with

Very cool vise/

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker